Paritosh was always committed to helping people and doing his part for the betterment of society. When he discovered he could give someone a second chance at life by donating his stem cells, he immediately registered as a potential stem cell donor.
He shares his account of becoming a lifesaver –
“In mid-2021, I registered as a potential blood stem cell donor. You might wonder what motivated me to take this step. I've been a regular blood donor, having donated more than 16 times before considering stem cell donation. The opportunity to save someone's life through my stem cell donation was a calling I couldn't ignore. It felt like a noble cause, and I knew it was the right place for me to make a difference.
At the time of my registration, my father was in the hospital, fighting severe pneumonia, and was on a ventilator. This personal experience made me even more determined to help others. I could empathize with a patient’s family’s pain, and I knew I had to do my part to alleviate that pain for someone else's loved ones.
Before this journey, I had never disputed the topic of blood cancer, but as I learned more about its impact on patients and their families, my resolve to help grew stronger.
The moment I found out I could potentially help a patient with my donation, a rush of emotions overwhelmed me. There's nothing greater than trying to save someone's life, knowing that money and power are insignificant compared to the gift that is life. It felt like contributing to an extended family, an unknown blood relative being saved by my contribution.
Donation Process
My concerns and anxieties were, especially with my father's health situation. My family was also nervous, not fully understanding the process at first. But after explaining the procedure and its importance, they became my pillar of support, giving me the strength to endure any pain and discomfort I might experience during the donation.
Preparing myself for the donation was made easier by the DKMS team, they provided logical explanations and reassured me that it's similar to a platelet donation, just requiring more time.
Finally, the day of the collection arrived. With the whole team and my family beside me, I was ready to make a difference in someone's life. The collection process took about four hours, and although there was some discomfort, I felt an overwhelming sense of satisfaction knowing that a positive change was in motion. I eagerly await the day I can meet the patient whose life I helped save.
After the Donation
The time after the donation was great! Everything went as planned, and we helped save a life. I want to say to the recipient, "Hey buddy, I hope you are better now. You are like a brother I have never met, and I hope we can meet soon. Live a healthy and long life, and remember, I am always there for you."
Message for all
To everyone reading this, I want to urge you to consider becoming a stem cell donor. It's like living a dream of being a superhero, saving lives, and profoundly impacting someone else's journey. The feeling of knowing you've made a difference is unparalleled. So, take that step today and register as a potential donor. Trust me; you'll cherish this decision for the rest of your life.
Let's come together and save lives. One donation can change everything. Give it a thought, and be a part of this beautiful journey of hope!”
How you can help
If you’d like to register as a potential blood stem cell donor, you can check your eligibility and sign up today.
Anyone aged between 18-55 years and in general good health can go on standby as a potential lifesaver. If you're not eligible or already registered, check out some other ways to get involved in the fight against blood cancer.